Waltham Forest invites start-ups to respond to our first challenge:
“How can we improve waste management and recycling on Waltham Forest’s estates”
We invite start-ups to respond to our first challenge: “How can we improve waste management and recycling on Waltham Forest’s estates”
The objective of this to select a number of startups for the Startup in Residence programme to develop innovative solutions and creative ideas to urban challenges via an ‘In Residence’ programme at the council. The council has the option to support the solution or otherwise privately purchase the innovative solution to the issues facing the council.
Background on the issue
As part of its climate emergency initiative, The London Borough of Waltham Forest has a goal of reaching a waste separation rate of xxx% in the year 2020. This rate applies to the whole borough, for both citizens and businesses.
In 2019, the borough residents produced an average of xxxkg of household waste per person. Refuse that is properly separated is easier to recycle.
Therefore, the city would like to see an increase in the percentage of separated waste: from xxx% at present to xx% in 2022. To make it easier for residents to separate their waste, the borough has launched different initiatives from the provision of information to residents and businesses, to opportunities for increasing the separation of waste, for example, xxxx.
The issue
On estates in the borough, run by the council and others, the recycling rates are lower, on average XXX There are various potential reasons for this, including a lack of space in the homes.
The issue is a complex one: How can we improve waste separation and recycling on Waltham Forest’s estates. Specifically on these estates; increase the percentage of waste separation and overall improve recycling. The solution does not have to be applicable for all estates at once, it could be prototyped with one and then expanded to others.
There are x estates (y run by council) in which q people live (more info on estates – including a map?)
There is an information meetup explaining the challenge on 2nd April 9.30 – 1pm.
The deadline for submissions is 30th April.
1st May - First selection
18th May - Pitches and final selection
1st June - Incubator start
31st August - End incubator, final presentations
September - Decision to procure solution and/or invest
Express your interest in the challenge
When you submit this initial information, you will receive an email with the challenge specification, and asked to submit a pitch deck.